bagger 288 байршлын диаграмм

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This is the Bagger 288! Get the mp3 from iTunes here!: https://


This is a mod that adds a yoyo to the game called the Bagger 288. It is rather good, but very overpowered. I will not nerf it, as it is designed to protect humanity and all other races, and to diminish its power would be to undermine its purpose. This mod requires the yoyo weapon mod to work. Otherwise, your game will crash, and Woggles will cry.


Der Bagger 288 ist etwa 240 Meter lang und 96 Meter hoch. Das Schaufelrad selbst misst 21,6 Meter im Durchmesser und hat 18 Schaufeln, die jeweils 6,6 Kubikmeter Abraum abbauen können. Das Chassis des Hauptbereichs ist 46 Meter breit und sitzt auf drei Reihen von jeweils vier Gleisketten, die jeweils 3,8 Meter breit sind.


بیل مکانیکی ۲۸۸ یا همان بگر ۲۸۸ (Bagger 288) توسط یک شرکت انرژی آلمانی برای حفاری در معدن ساخته شده است. این وسیله غول پیکر دارای یک باکت دوار (چرخ بیل) می باشد که به صورت یکنواخت عمل حفاری را انجام می دهد. زمانی بیل مکانیکی ۲۸۸ در سال ۱۹۷۸ تکمیل شد، این ماشین حفاری با ۱۳۵۰۰ تن وزن به عنوان سنگین ترین ماشین جهان به ثبت رسید.


Bagger 288 (Excavator 288 — экскаватор 288) — роторный экскаватор, являющийся крупнейшей самоходной установкой в мире. Был построен в единственном экземпляре в 1978 году немецкой компанией Krupp для предприятия Rheinbraun.


Bagger 288 Lyrics. The leaders of the world sat down around a secret table. There was a threat to human kind they must defend against. To fight against Godzillas they just …


Bagger 288 är en av världens största skovelhjulsgrävmaskiner och tillika världens största landgående fordon.Denna titel tog den över av NASAs Crawler-transporter 1978 när den stod färdig. Den är konstruerad av den tyska Kruppkoncernen och används för gruvarbeten framförallt i Rhenområdet.. Bagger 288 kan gräva så mycket som 240 000 ton per dag (ungefär 240 000 …


bagger 6; BaggerBagger293 1; BaggerBagger 288 1; Bagger 2; ? 45; , ...


Bagger 288 был построен для работы по добыче угля в Tagebau Hambach в Германии. За один день он может добыть 240000 тонн угля, этот объем породы эквивалентен объему бассейна площадью с футбольное поле и глубиной в 30 метров, а добытым за день углем можно заполнить 2400 вагонов. Управляют самым большим …


The Bagger 288, whose construction was completed in 1978, became the world's heaviest land vehicle with 13,500 tons. It took five years to design and manufacture, and five years to assemble, and it was produced in a total of 10 years. The cost was announced to be $100 million. In 1995, the Bagger 293 handed over leadership to him when it was ...


La Bagger 288 puede excavar en veinticuatro horas 240.000 Toneladas de carbón o 240.000 metros cúbicos de estrato inservible. El mecanismo utilizado para la extracción es la rotopala de 21,6 metros de diámetro situada en el extremo de la estructura. Aunque se puede desplazar, esta excavadora no es exactamente una máquina autopropulsada: el ...


Transforming Bagger 288 Lightwave + max oth obj fbx: $999. $999. lwo max oth obj fbx details. close. Bagger 288 Blender + dae fbx obj stl oth: $199. $199. blend dae fbx obj stl oth details. close. Bagger 288 3ds Max + c4d lwo xsi 3ds fbx obj: $340. $340. max c4d lwo xsi 3ds fbx obj ...


Photo: Snorky [wikipedia]In the coal stripmine Hambach in Germany, there was a machine so big that it boggles the mind.the Bagger 288:This is the 45,000 ton Bagger 288 digger built by Krupps in Germany, and it is the largest land based machine built by humans on the face of the planet.It’s not fast, moving at about 2 meters a minute, but boy can it shift …


Il Bagger 288. Il Bagger 288 è un escavatore costruito dalla ditta tedesca Krupp per l'impresa mineraria Rheinbraun. Pesa 13 500 tonnellate e quando la sua costruzione fu completata nel 1978, Bagger 288 divenne il più grande cingolato al mondo, superando il Crawler-transporter della NASA, utilizzato per trasportare lo Space Shuttle e il ...


Bagger 288; Excavator ini diproduksi oleh sebuah perusahaan German bernama Krupp, untuk perusahaan energi dan pertambangan bernama Rheinbraun. Alat ini selesai di produksi pada tahun 1978, dan memiliki tinggi sekitar 95m, panjang 215m, dan berat hingga mencapai 13.500 tons. Setiap harinya, alat ini mampu untuk menggali


And finally, sad news from California as daredevil and amateur rocketeer "Mad" Mike Hughes has been killed in a crash of his homemade rocket. The steam-powered rocket was to be a follow-up to ...


Bagger 288,, Krupp,,。,Bagger 288。


A mining monster, by the numbers. Taller than the Statue of Liberty and heavier than the Eiffel Tower, this German mining machine is …


Bagger 288 (Excavator 288) − koparka wielonaczyniowa z kołem nadsiębiernym, wyprodukowana dla firmy Rheinbraun - działającej w przemyśle energetycznym i kopalnianym, przez niemiecką firmę Krupp.Dokładniej, urządzenie określane jest jako koparka do prac odkrywkowych. Po zakończeniu prac konstrukcyjnych, Bagger 288 przerósł transporter NASA …


6 minute AP Television feature - from the AP Archive: 07/31/2014 03:09 PM. "Weighing 1.3 tonnes, it took retired lecturer, Graham Shepherd five years to make his coal extractor model. Measuring 12.5 metre long by 4.9 metre high (41 by 16 foot) Bagger 288 coal extractor is a labour of love." Posted by Meccano model-maker at 20:48 No comments:


Bagger 288 (Excavator 288) este un echipament minier construit de compania germană Krupp pentru firma de minerit și energie Rheinbraun.Când construcția sa a fost terminată în 1978, Bagger 288 a surclasat Crawler-Transporter-ul NASA, utilizat pentru transportarea Navetei spațiale și Apollo Saturn V la spațiul de lansare (el însuși fiind construit de compania …


Bagger 288,MAN TAKRAFBagger 2931995,。 Bagger 293,,24, …


Bereits 2018 war ich im Rheinischen Revier und hatte hier echt das Glück das der 288 quasi direkt vor mir stand und am "buddeln" war. Das ist reine Glückssache, man weiß halt nie wo die Riesen grad aktiv sind. Daher werde ich euch im laufe dieses Berichtes immer mal wieder mit Aufnahmen des echten 288 versorgen.


Yes, and it was the best part of the movie. Not only one of these, but exactly this one. The german Bagger 288. Fun fact, it doesn't smoosh everything it drives over. "The chassis of the main section is 46 m (151 ft) wide and sits on 3 rows of 4 caterpillar track assemblies, each 3.8 m (12 ft) wide. The large surface area of the tracks means ...


Самый большой экскаватор в мире Bagger 288


The Bagger 288 was designed to remove overburden from the Tagebau Hambach coal mine in Germany before mining could begin. Daily, it is capable of excavating the equivalent of a soccer field to a depth of 30 meters (98 ft) or 265,000 tons of brown coal, often known as lignite, in a single day.


Bagger 288 (Německy: Schaufelradbagger 288, česky přibližně: Bagr se lžícovým kolem) je bagr, přesněji kolesové velkorypadlo, zkonstruovaný německou společností Krupp pro energetickou a těžební firmu Rheinbraun.Tento mobilní těžební stroj pracuje na principu těžby v horizontálních pásech, přičemž k tomu využívá obrovské korečkové kolo.


El Bagger 288 fue construido para el trabajo de eliminación de mbros de la minería del carbón en la "Hambach stripmine" en Alemania. Puede excavar 240 000 t de carbón o 240 000 m³ de mbros al día; el equivalente a un campo de fútbol excavado hasta 30 metros de profundidad. El carbón producido en un día llena 2400 vagones de ...


The Bagger 288 is the biggest excavating machine in the world. It was first built by the German manufacturer, Krupp, in 1978. The excavator was built for coal mining at the Hambach stripmine, located in Germany. It's so powerful, it can excavate 240,000 tons of coal per day. That's equal to a football field dug almost 100 feet deep.

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