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1-5 of 5. 2014 Cincinnati Milacron MTS310. 310 Ton 36.2 oz Shot Size Injection Molding Machine. Ref # 8071691. More details Inquire Now Add to basket. Compare. 2002 Cincinnati Milacron Maxima MM 880-179. 880 Ton 179 oz Shot Size Injection Molding Machine. Ref # …


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Maxima Servo is one of Milacron's most energy-efficient machines. The servo-hydraulic machine provides up to 70% energy savings over similar machines, with a reduction in molding costs, maintenance costs and heat load on the factory floor. The high-value injection molding machine combines the advantage of a precise and accurate 2-platen ...


Global Technology from Milacron USA. Milacron offers Injection Molding Machines from 50 Ton to 4,000 Ton with a capacity to manufacture 3,000 machine per annum. Milacron serves a diverse range of industries and has longstanding relationships with 15,000+ customers and leading market share in India and many other countries.


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Milacron LLC Datasheets for Molding Machines. Molding machines form thermoplastic resin, thermoset polymers, or MIM compounds into finished shapes. For Demanding High-Performance Applications Exceptional precision and repeatability, fast cycle times, high injection rates and pressure, parallel functions, and easy maintenance: these are the ...


Open the catalog to page 1. Technical Specifications All-Electric Perfection THE ROBOSHOT S-2000i B SERIES IS AVAILABLE IN 17, 33, 55, 110, 165, 275 AND 330 TON MODELS. INTEGRATED ROBOTICS (OPTIONAL) –– Integrate Fanuc robots and control via machine The next generation of Artificial Intelligence in injection molding machines.


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Description. eQ-SERIES gives you the flexibility to handle more applications. eQ-SERIES's movements are entirely controlled by servo drives. This not only results in maximized acceleration, but it ensures ultimate accuracy and exceptional reliability across all processes as well as highly precise motion, position and pressure control.


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All MILACRON catalogs and technical brochures. THE CINCINNATI SERIES TONNAGE: 4500 US/4000 Metric. 1 Pages. THE CINCINNATI SERIES TONNAGE: 3600 US/3200 Metric. 1 Pages. THE CINCINNATI SERIES TONNAGE: 3000 US/2700 Metric. 1 Pages. THE CINCINNATI SERIES TONNAGE: 2600 US/2300 Metric. 1 Pages.


Three power classes of injection units 1. General Performance (GP) with high injection speed (electric) 2. Advanced Performance (AP) with higher injection speed (electric or hydraulic) 3. High Performance (HP) with maximum injection speed (hydraulic) 2. Uniform melt quality due to constant L/D ratio (22:1 and 25:1) 8.


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Milacron's Q-Series is the latest globally available servo-hydraulic injection molding machine. With a tonnage range of 110 to 550 Ton, the Q-Series is built to perform in wide array of applications and configurations. The Q-Series is a true culmination of high efficiency, consistency and globally engineered technology.

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